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GPB Release-History and Downloads

GPB Releases are listed below in descending order of release date/version. - Version 1 2005-05-09
  Release Notes / History:
  • Fully Functional.
  • Completely Tested.
  • Performance: Filtering is virtually invisible. Testing showed a blank.aspx page peforming filtering was able to process an average of 174 pages/second. Another blank.aspx page in a site without the filtering module was able to serve an average of 174 pages/second -- meaning that there's no performance hit to do the filtering. Of course, it's worth mentioning that this filtering was done where no GWA header was present in the request time (i.e. to answer the question: "How much will filtering slow down my site for other, non-GWA bot, browsers?" the answer is that there is no noticeable decrease in performance.
  • Future Releases will probably include the ability to filter against other proxies, and allow more configuration options.
  • NOTE: No .chm/help files accompany the source.
  •   Downloads:
  • GPB Binaries - 6 KB - .dlls, and a sample web.config
  • GPB Source - 22 KB - Full Source Code for this version.